
You can configure security settings for your system using the options in the Security group in the System Administration window.

Options include:

Security Settings

to configure global security settings for vFire Core. This includes managing license corrals, configuring password settings and creating service desk and workflow groups for the organization
Security Settings (Partitioned) to define the call templates to be used when a person record is disabled due to failed login attempts
IPK Groups to define IPK groups and add allocate partitions to these groups if partitioning is enabled
Workflow Management Groups to define Workflow Management Groups and add allocate partitions to these groups if partitioning is enabled
License Corrals to define subgroups of licenses which will guarantee that a number of concurrent licenses will be reserved for members in that subgroup
Login Control to list all the Analysts currently logged in, as well as the license usage information for your system. You can also prevent Analysts from logging in, log Analysts out, email Analysts and access the details of an Analyst.