Knowledge Article Details in Nano

The Knowledge details window is used to record useful and relevant units of information in your vFire system.

Before you start

To perform knowledge searches, Search must be selected in the Options tab of your Knowledge Management Security Role.

To edit knowledge articles, Editor must be selected in the Options tab of your Knowledge Management Security Role.

Find a knowledge article using the Knowledge Search window.

View a knowledge article by double-clicking a knowledge record in the Knowledge Search results table.

Edit a knowledge article by pressing in the knowledge details window.

Completing the Knowledge Details

There is no specific order in which you need to complete the fields. One or more fields may be mandatory depending on how your system has been configured. If you do not complete a mandatory field, the system will prompt you to complete the mandatory field when you try to Save.

Fields may vary depending on how the System Administrator has designed the screen. Only the standard fields are described.

Complete the fields.

Knowledge Ref Each entry within the Knowledge Bank has a unique reference number. This number is allocated by vFire Core and cannot be changed.
External Ref External Reference number or ID for the Knowledge Entry. You can use this to assign an external reference number or ID to the entry.
Status Select a status for the knowledge entry, which defines the level of visibility the entry will have.

Knowledge statuses are defined in the Knowledge Statuses window. The statuses listed here are the ones to which you have access on the Statuses tab of your Knowledge Management Security Role. You can update entries that have a status to which you do not have access, but you can only change the entry’s status to one which you do have access.

Values with a * in the Status field indicate a deleted status or one to which you do not have access.

You can only moderate your own knowledge entries if you have Review Own selected in the Options tab of your Knowledge Management security role.

Profile The profile for the knowledge entry. Use to display the list of profiles.

Profiles are defined in the Knowledge Profiles window.

You can only select profiles to which you have access on the Content Access tab of your Knowledge Management security role.

Entry Type The type of knowledge article. Use to display the list of all available entry types, and select one you wish to change the entry type.
Type Use to display the list of types. Depending on the number of tiers configured for your system, you may see one to five tiers. When you select a type at one level, the available types within that category are displayed. You can select types from any available level.

These are defined in the Type Tiers window.

Knowledge entries can be linked to the same types and CMDB items as a call. This will result in analysts being alerted to potentially helpful Knowledge Bank material from the call window. If the call is dealing with the same service and type, the Related Knowledge section of the Service window is populated to indicate potentially helpful material.

Next Review The date on which this entry is due for review. The default review period is set in the Knowledge Bank Settings. You can change it by selecting and picking another date.

Depending on Knowledge Bank settings, contributors and/or creators are notified by email when an entry is due for review.

Expires The date on which the knowledge entry is to expire. Select and pick the date.

After this date, the knowledge entry will not be listed in knowledge search results. However, it will still be listed in Knowledge Admin Search results.

Title Type a Title for your knowledge entry. This is a mandatory field.


A description of the problem, question or topic.
Solution Describe the solution to the issue. You can include links, images and so on.
Additional Information An additional section in which you can provide information which may be helpful but is not vital to the solution.

This field is only visible when viewed in vFire Core and Nano. It is hidden when viewed from the vFire Self Service portal. It can be used to record information that may be too sensitive or technical for the public, such as references to legislative information.

Press to save the changes and close the window.

Press to cancel the changes and close the window.